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Purpose: This study investigated the status of records management in the motor registration and licensing offices in southwest Nigeria. This is because there have been many instances at the licensing offices in Nigeria of misplaced or lost records thus raising a question on how records are managed. Methodology: Survey research method was adopted, and questionnaire was used to gather data. The respondents are the entire staff of the licensing offices at the state capital of the six states that constituted the zone.150 copies of questionnaire were administered to the personnel on random basis out of which 118 (79%) were duly completed and returned. Findings: Analysis of data obtained revealed that management of records at the licensing offices is poor and lack modernity. There are no adequate records management facilities in the offices besides cabinet storage and dusting of records. There are no policy documents for records management, there is absence of designated records management staff and departments; Proper training, workshops and skills in records management are lacking amongst the personnel. Implications: This study has implications on the management of records in licensing offices in southwest Nigeria because records support decision-making, provide evidence of policies, decisions, transactions and other activities consequently records management and preservation are crucial. Records management and preservation focus on efficient and systematic control of records that are created as a result of activities and transactions among individuals, in public and private establishments. Originality/value: The study in conclusion recommends the institutionalization of records management policies, the appointment of a records manager, training and retraining of existing staff, and adoption of ICT to manage records.
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International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre)
Motor vehicle administration is a composite process and revolves around the management and the control of motor licensing. Motor vehicle licensing is the payment of a fee for the use of motor vehicles on public roads. Motor vehicle licensing in Nigeria began over 100 years ago starting from the colonial administration and the records then were manually kept which did not help in raising the efficiency of the general automotive services. The current process of motor vehicle licensing is being operated manually and due to this procedure, numerous problems are been encountered. This study seeks to develop a software that links all the procedures of the motor vehicle licensing system in motor license authority in the manual system of motor vehicle registration and introduces a better system which is the computerized system that will contribute to providing solutions to the problems in the manual system. This work was designed to aid the framework for a client-server distributed database system for licensing and registration of automobiles in Nigeria online. The system was implemented using PHP scripting language, HTML, MySQL Server, and Macromedia Dreamweaver. This study highly recommends that the motor vehicle licensing office should set up a computer-based system and more research done to perfect and make it more useful. Key Words: Vehicle Inspection Office (VIO), Vehicle Registration, Vehicle Licensing, Vehicle Registration and Enquiry Software (VehRES) System, Licensing office, Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC), Role-based access control (RBAC) Mechanism.
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Vehicle registration and licensing systems have been in existence for decades. However, there has been over 55% increase in the number of reported stolen vehicles which have not been recovered in the last 3 years. Therefore, there is need to improve on its existing systems by incorporating anti-theft capability of vehicles using fingerprint biometric technology. In developing the Secured Vehicle Registration System (SVRS), data on vehicle registration, renewal and change of ownership procedures were collected from the Motor Licensing Office at Osogbo. Unified Modelling Language (UML) tools was used for the system design, to illustrate the whole system in a clearer way, and implemented using JavaScript, PHP scripting language, HTML, XAMPP SQLServer and the Mantra MFS100 fingerprint scanner. The system performance was evaluated by authenticating registered vehicle owner biometric to calculate the Accuracy, Average Response Time (ART) and Apdex Score. The result of the evaluation using 288 fingerprint templates of 72 vehicle owners shows the False Accept Rate (FAR) of 0.0% and False Reject Rate (FRR) of 2.1%, which is equivalent to a system accuracy of 97.9%. The ART for the fingerprint execution matching is 36.3 microseconds while the overall system satisfaction Apdex score recorded was 0.73, which denotes a satisfying system. The high-speed verification method uses the lowest computational power and execution time to deliver accurate results through making a match or non-match against stored templates. The developed system demonstrated its ability to link vehicle(s) to its respective owner(s) and also function as an automatic identity verification system for vehicle owners using VIN and fingerprint. The system has the ability to be employed for preventing fraudulent change of ownership and also help reduce delay in processing vehicle license.
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International Journal of Engineering Research and
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International Journal of Sensor Networks and Data Communications
With a daily increase in the use of mobile devices in the 21st century, handheld devices are fast reaching the unreached and information is now easily disseminated. Nigeria as a developing nation in the western Africa needs to be all information technology compliant. Far from this, vehicles have been registered manually. This mobile information system is designed to aid the every member of the Nigeria community in building an information network with the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC). Motorists, drivers and others who had registered their vehicles manually would be able to register their vehicles number plates and report accident victims to the Corps with ease from their mobile devices. This work focuses mainly on the vehicle registration, issuing number plates and information dissemination to the Federal Road Safety Corps, Nigeria.
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It traces the history of Traffic Laws in Nigeria, the various stages of its transformation and the establishment of traffic agencies in Nigeria. It tries to look at the various statutory provisions and identified the limitations associated with them and finally makes suggestions for necessary reforms.
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Vehicle registration is a mandatory exercise which all vehicle owners are expected to undertake with the relevant government agencies in order to be able to drive the cars freely. The process is laden with a wide range of checklists and steps which must all be followed. These multi agency processes often times result in applicants bypassing some of the stages or resorting to the use of agents and touts for the entire registration process. This has led to incomplete and sometimes inaccurate documentation of the registration. The Vehicle registration involves the payment of a stipulated fee determined by the engine size of the vehicle and also the vehicle type and use. All vehicles are uniquely identified by their vehicle identification number but registered vehicles are identified and attached to vehicle registration certificates. The maintenance of registers of users and vehicles is currently a manual process and it is prone to errors and also very cumbersome to update and time cons.
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