Brick Masonry Definition, Types, and Construction

Brick masonry is a highly durable form of construction. It is built by placing bricks in mortar in a systematic manner to construct solid mass that withstand exerted loads. There are several types of bricks and number of mortars which can be used to construct brick masonry. The bond in brick masonry, which adheres bricks together, is produced by filling joints between bricks with suitable mortar. Special cautions shall be practiced while mortar is mixed and placed since it greatly affect the performance and durability of masonry structure.

Types of Brick Masonry Work

1. Brick Work in Mud

Brick work in mud

Fig. 1: Brick work in mud

2. Brick Work in Cement

This type of brick masonry is construction by laying bricks in cement mortar rather than mud which is used in brick work in mud. There are three major classes of brick work in cement which are summarized in Table 1. Table 1 Different classes of brick work in cement and their descriptions

  1. Cement of lime mortar is used,
  2. The surface and edges of bricks are sharp,
  3. And the thickness of mortar joints doesn’t exceed 10mm
  1. Ground moulded bricks are used,
  2. Bricks are rough and shape is slightly irregular,
  3. The thickness of mortar joint is 12 mm.
  1. Bricks are not hard ,rough surface with distorted shape,
  2. Used for temporary structures,
  3. Used in places where rainfall is not heavy.

Brick work in cement

Fig. 2: Brick work in cement

Types of Bricks

  1. Common Burnt Clay Bricks
  2. Concrete Bricks
  3. Sand Lime Bricks (Calcium Silicate Bricks)
  4. Fly ash Clay Bricks
  5. Engineering Bricks
  6. Other Brick Types include bullnose, channel, coping, cownose and hollow bricks.

Types of masonry bricks

Fig. 3: Types of masonry bricks

Brick Masonry Construction

Materials and Equipment Used in Brick Masonry Construction

  1. Mortar Mix or Mason Mix Bricks
  2. Tape measure
  3. hammer
  4. Hose, level, or theodolite
  5. Trowel Level
  6. Wheelbarrow
  7. Goggles
  8. Jointer
  9. And other equipment according to project ans personal preferences

Brick Masonry Construction Preparations

  1. Check the level of the ground using level, theodolite or transparent hose level.
  2. Set the layout of the structure.

<a href=Setting out layout of masonry structure" width="450" height="186" />

Fig. 4: Setting out layout of masonry structure

Brick Masonry Construction Procedure

  1. Initially, mix the mortar with water and blend it until a smooth and plastic mortar is produced.

Mortar Preparation

Fig. 5: Mortar Preparation

laying bricks

Fig. 6: laying bricks

Plumb line of brick masonry

Fig. 7: Plumb line of brick masonry

Checking level of brick masonry

Fig. 8: Checking level of brick masonry

Points Considered in Supervising Brick Masonry Constructions

Brick bat

Fig. 9: Brick bat