Step-Up Home Loan

I&M Bank Tanzania - Home Loans

Buy a house earlier than you can imagine with our unique Step-Up Home Loan

The I&M Step-Up Home Loan is designed to meet a wide range of needs such as purchase of property, undeveloped plot, construction, renovations and so much more. We offer two options for repayment: EMI and the unique Step-Up.

Home Loan Calculator

Regular Home Loan (EMI Option)

EMI stands for the Equated Monthly Installment which is an important of your home loan. It includes payment for the principal amount and payment of the interest on the outstanding amount of your home loan. A longer loan tenure will reduce the Equated Monthly Installment.

A longer loan tenure will reduce the Equated Monthly Instalments.

Regular Home Loan (EMI Option)

Step-up Option

With the unique Step-Up option available with this facility, you can choose to pay lesser monthly repayment in the initial years and high amount in later years, thereby matching your payment to your future growing income.

One can borrow a loan amount from TZS 50 Mil upto TZS 1 Bil.